Dec 22, 2008

Day of Bullies - animal experimentation

By David Irving.

Conservatively speaking, approximately 100 million vertebrates in the world are experimented upon annually by the animal research industry of which approximately 22 million animals belong to the United States. Most of the animals are killed after research. While the animal research industry has managed successfully to brain wash the public into thinking animal research consists primarily of medical research, that is not the case. A large portion of animal research takes place in the cosmetics industry, the military, the EPA, the FDA, private research laboratories for industrial use, animal food companies, and others.

As an example, hundreds of thousands of military experiments have been conducted on animals in the greatest secrecy at a cost to taxpayers of over 100 million dollars annually. The military shoots, blasts, burns, scalds, and poisons animals. It subjects them to radiation, nerve gas, mustard gas, breaks their bones, and tortures them in every conceivable manner like attaching cartons of mosquitoes to restrained monkeys and rabbits so that the mosquitoes will feed on them in mosquito virus tests. Animals don't make war, but they are made to suffer the consequences of the brutal wars human beings wage.

The March of Dimes is famous for experiments in which their researchers sewed the eyelids of kittens shut for a year in visual development tests before killing them. The visual development they claimed to study occurs in cats after birth while it occurs in humans before birth so that the tests were meaningless. The March of Dimes has also conducted research funded by tobacco companies to show that nicotine had beneficial effects. Research at the March of Dimes has also included implanting electric pumps into the backs of pregnant rats to inject them with nicotine and cocaine even though the hazards of smoking and cocaine to human babies is well known. Other addiction testing has been done by university researchers like Ron Woods who locked baboons in refrigerators filled with cocaine smoke in drug addition studies. The subject of how unjust it is, not to mention immoral and decadent, to experiment upon animals to try to solve the addiction problems human beings have created for themselves is never considered. That includes Columbia University where researchers have repeatedly operated on baboons and their babies in utero to measure the flow of nicotine through the umbilical chord.

The IAMS pet food company also engages in animal research projects. Their research has included confining dogs and cats in small, barren cages for as long as six years in which the dogs were debarked by cutting their vocal chords and then forced to endure painful surgery in which their gums were repeatedly cut and sutured to implant gingivitis, though gingivitis could have been studied on dogs that had developed the condition normally.

The cosmetics industry is another giant in the world of animal research. Procter and Gamble, for example, tests cosmetics for irritancy by locking rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets and other animals into restraining devices and then applying burning chemicals to their eyes and shaved portions of their skin. This is done without sedation or pain killers and causes excruciating pain. Some of the animals strain so forcefully against their restraints in these tests that they actually break their backs trying to escape. Those that survive are put through additional tests until they are finally killed. When chemicals are dripped into the eyes of these animals, it is called the Draize Test, and many in the medical community agree it is useless and unnecessary. More than 600 other companies produce the same kind of products that Proctor and Gamble makes without resorting to animal testing. Donated corneas to which chemicals may be applied and human skin cultures for irritancy testing are also available as alternatives to these animal testing procedures and are less expensive. The FDA continues to approve it. All so that we can have better kitchen products, better make-up, mascara, and all those other necessities Procter and Gamble makes.

None of this research discussed we've been discussing takes curiosity research into account, for example, subjecting restrained primates to a continuous three hour-long studio-generated sound ten decibels louder than a shotgun blast, a research project conducted at New York University.

The above research does not take into account the abuse of animals by supposedly legitimate medical researchers that continuously comes to light year after year after year as, for example, at Huntingdon Laboratories in England where researchers were photographed hitting puppies, shouting at them, simulating sex acts with them, and dissecting what appeared to be a live monkey. As reported by a whistleblower at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who was able to back most of her charges with 59 videotapes in tests for alcohol, dopamine, and nicotine, rodents were infected with oversized tumors so large the animals could hardly carry them around and some of the tumors ulcerated and burst; a researcher broke the necks of rats to get rid of those for which she had no need; rodents have been packed together under such crowded conditions that they suffocated to death and resorted to cannibalism; mice with untended teeth grew so long that they could not eat and some of them starved to death; a researcher jokingly held up a tiny white mouse and said, "Say Bye, bye," and then beheaded her with a pair of scissors; rats screamed when being beheaded with scissors without anesthesia or numbing agents; and researchers have amputated the toes of rodents for identification purposes.

The animal industry is a huge, parasitic gravy train dependent upon mass brain washing of the public through continuous public relations efforts and 100 million innocent creatures subjected to enslavement and torture by human beings.

...when we removed the body (of his cagemate) to the operation room, the other chimp wept bitterly and was inconsolable for days. The incident made a deep impression on me. I vowed never again to experiment with such sensitive creatures.

- Dr. Christian Barnard (Founder of Physicians for Responsible Medicine)

I believe I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it. The pains which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of enmity without looking further.

- Mark Twain

Vivisection is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character.

- George Bernard Shaw

To my mind the life of a lamb is no less precious than the life of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body. I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.

- Mahatma Gandhi

It is our duty to share and maintain life. Reverence concerning all life is the greatest commandment in its most elementary form. Or expressed in negative terms: "Though shalt not kill." We take this prohibition so lightly, thoughtlessly plucking a flower, thoughtlessly stepping on a poor insect, thoughtlessly, in terrible blindness because everything takes its revenge, disregarding the suffering and lives of our fellow men, sacrificing them to trivial earthly goals.

Reverence for life comprises the whole ethic of love in its deepest and highest sense. It is the source of constant renewal for the individual and for mankind.

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